
01. UI Tools

A core set of tools, create fully customisable UI windows and boxes complete with control over multiple properties that allow you to create 100s of different combinations of designed windows.

02. Graphs

Add different styles of graphs to your projects with ease with a range of customisable options to control the appearance and animation.

03. Blocks

Instantly add complex animations based on blocks that can be used to visually represent data. Many of these elements are made from using Text layers in a creative way.

04. Circles

Nearly 40 different circular based UI elements, graphs and widgets that instantly add a level of complexly to your designs. Great giving your projects that futuristic vibe

05. Shapes

Targets, tracking markers and other techy looking shapes


06. Effects Elements

Cool looking visuals created using a combination of AE effects like fractal noise

07. Widgets

A couple of widgets like an advanced world map made from a single shape later with the ability to highlight selected countries.

08. Text Animations

Bring your text to life with Over 70 different complex text animations that work on any text in AE with a single click. Animate in text, change visual appearances, randomise numbers, add movement and so much more.

Animate IN



Visual Change

09. Dummy Data

Add blocks of premade predominantly static and some animated stylised text, data blocks, number blocks, code and terminal style data sets. The default typeface is Purista.

Data Blocks

Code Terminal

Animate IN Fluff


10. Tools

A couple of simple tools – like adding blinking effects to layers and effect to add a box to text.

BONUS Product Included

Get Access to a Google Sheets document that contains 1000’s of Random Data, numbers and data sets.

One of the most time-consuming aspects of creating FUI’s is typing up and creating supportive assets like random data. This Google Sheets Document is a massive time saver and I use it all the time to populate my designs with data.

All you have to do is copy either columns or large rows and columns and paste into After Effects.